Try challenging your negative thoughts this year! We have the ability to change our thought patterns and improve our sense of wellbeing. Put your thoughts through a Thought Filter so you can mitigate negative feelings that may lead to negative behaviors.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a practical, well researched way to approach our thought patterns. CBT offers an opportunity to mitigate anxiety and course correct misguided behaviors that are often outside of our awareness.
An aspect of CBT is to challenge our thoughts so that we might explore how impactful our thoughts can be on our everyday life and internal experiences.
For instance, let’s pretend you pass your friend or colleague in the hallway. You offer a smile and a quiet hello to them but they walk right past you not acknowledging your friendly gesture. You have some feelings about this interaction, perhaps you start to spin out into an anxiety vortex. Put your thoughts through this thought filter below and notice the different reactions to different thoughts:
I hope you find this link a helpful resource for processing thoughts, alternative thoughts, and responses to thoughts so that you might broaden your thought-lens, your mind, and offer yourself some well deserved relief from negative thinking, automatic thought patterns, and unnecessary suffering.
You’ve got this!